30 September 2008, Wednesday
Event: Pool-side BBQ
Location: Ivan's house
• The pool
• The food
* Notice the golden thingy? We even grill the nuggets, quite nice though xD *
• The people:
[ from left ] Eugene,JunHin, FeiSin, ShuRong, WengCheok
[ from left ] Alice, FeiSin, Watashiwa desu~, FuiYi
[ from left ] Ivan, James, Darren
• The activities:
Barbeque~! Obviously?!
My own concert xD [ Guitarist: Darren and FeiSin Vocal: Watashiwa desu~ ]
Cheok swimming with his b'day present [ Golden, flashy, bling bling Bikini!! Glow in the dark @-@ ]
Last but not least, a big thanks to the organizer-Ivan:
I will not upload all the photos, if u want the photos from me, please contact me through MSN or ring my phone.
MSN > vanila1991@hotmail.com
Ring me > 016-9096292 * No calls after 10pm, thx.*